A Conservative's Musings on All Things Political

Reflections on American Politics and the Republican Party from a Libertarian Conservative Perspective

I am, to my core, a true believer. My belief in American democracy is absolute and in the end I believe the people will always choose the best course for the nation. It was this faith that led me to the biggest personal crisis of political conscience of my life during the 2016 presidential election. …

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Today we were all saddened with the formal news we had all feared, the death of Kayla Mueller at the hands of her ISIS captors. This was a young woman who went to Syria because she wanted to aid in relieving the suffering of the Syrian people at the hands of their corrupt leaders. Today …

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As a nation America is now engaged in a debate about a potential full scale war with the islamofascist group ISIS. At its face there is little debate that ISIS is a modern manifestation of evil with social media savvy which must be eliminate before it gets to the point where such elimination is either …

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Those who know me or have read this blog in the past know for the last few years I have, for the most part, gone quiet and withdrawn from the fight.  While getting a little older adds perspective it should also result in your questioning how your beliefs interact with your fellow citizens and more …

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While Hurricane Arthur may have pushed back much of our celebrations to the 5th (including my first July 4 expedition),  today we celebrate our liberty and the wisdom of our founding fathers for creating our republic. Our freedom was not and is not free and we remember those who gave so much over the past 238 …

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