A Conservative's Musings on All Things Political

Reflections on American Politics and the Republican Party from a Libertarian Conservative Perspective

Today marks the first anniversary of the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over Ukrainian by Pro- Russian rebels. While Malaysian Airlines can be faulted for flying over an area of known conflict even though the airspace was open, today there is no doubt that this was a deliberate act of mass murder committed …

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Today President Obama became the first American President to visit a prison while in office. The core of his visit was to promote his newest campaign, reforming the criminal justice system. Now this is an issue many conservatives can actually get behind with prominent GOP members such as Rand Paul questioning the logic and wisdom …

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As a child of the Apollo era, I grew up in the shadow of the greatest achievement in the history of man; everything was possible if we only had the will. The legacy of those years has largely been one of unfulfilled promise but every once in a while you just have a wow moment. …

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The circus that has been the Greek financial crisis over the past five years reached a new crescendo over the last few weeks with all the mystery of a Shakespearean tragedy.  Leftist Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras played the role of populist defender of the needy by standing up to those bullies in suites from …

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Living most of the last two decades in the tri-state area one cannot escape the presence of one Donald Trump. His presence is ubiquitous from the high end condo developments and office complexes to the billboards promoting his various ancillary ventures in media and branded products. Donald Trump is not a man, he is a …

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